Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Chapter Book #12 -- The Giver -- Newberry Award

TITLE: The Giver
AUHTOR: Lois Lowry
GENRE: Science Fiction
THEMES: Power, Authority, Government

AWARDS: Newberry Award winner.

PUBLISHING DATE AND COMPANY: Houghton Miller Books for Children

SUMMARY: The book the Giver is written from a young boy, Jonas' perception of the world. This book is about coming of age for Jonas, and how he is nervous to move on from childhood into adulthood. The society that Jonas and his family live in is one that is set in the future, there is no feelings (especially not of pain or anger) and very little color. Many of the people that live there look the same, they all have the same features. When children are born, they aren't born to their mothers, but to more of a surrogate, and then they spend the first year in a cross between an orphanage and a day care, until they are older. When it comes time for adults to move on to another life because they are too old to function, they 'release' them, which is another word for letting them go onto death. They also sometimes have to release babies that are born with disabilities, or when there are twin babies. 
This book is a classic, and is a good one to read for an English class, or even for a history class to see a semi-example of what the world would have been like if Hitler had won World War II. 

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