Wednesday, March 14, 2012

chapter book #6 -- My Fabulous New Life

TITLE:   My Fabulous New Life
AUTHOR: Sheila Greenwald
GENRE: Realistic Fiction
THEME:   Moving away, new friends, growing up
 CHARACTERS: Alison, KJ, Alison's parents
PUBLISHING DATE AND COMPANY: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1993
SUMMARY: This story is all about growing up. When Alison has to move from the home she has known all her life, to New York City, she grows up tons. She goes from being a sheltered little girl, to an understanding young woman. She learns about what can cause homelessness, as well as many other things. By the end of the book, I feel that the title is no longer that of an attitude filled pre-teen, but that of a respectable young woman who really does think her new life is fabulous. 
When using this in a classroom I think I may use it more on a case by case basis, for example if I knew that one of my students was going to be moving away to some where completely foreign to them I would recommend this book to them and their parents. I feel that this would be a great book for a girl who is moving to read, so that she would see moving isn't all bad. 

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