Wednesday, March 14, 2012

picture book #13 -- The Dark at the Top of The Stairs

TITLE:   The Dark at the Top of the Stairs
AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR:    Sam McBratney, Ivan Bates
GENRE: Horror, supernatural.
THEME:   Animals, Adventure
 CHARACTERS: Old mouse, Cob, Hazel, Berry-Berry,
SUMMARY: This is a story of curiosity, and it is very similar to how young children are. The book starts out with Old Mouse tucking the little mice into bed, asking them what they want to do the next day. He offers them to go see their cousins or to go swinging in the grass, however the little mice are determined to see the dark at the top of the stairs. They discuss their fears on the way up, and when they see what they are fearing they flee. 
I think that this would be a great book to read to a class around Halloween time, because it is kind of a scary story, but yet because it is just dealing with mice and a cat, it isn't too awful. I like how this story portrays the mice as curious as to what the 'monster' is, but its just the cat. Great book for Halloween!

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