Wednesday, March 14, 2012

picture book #14 -- Coat of Many Colors

TITLE:   Coat of Many Colors
AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR:   Dolly Parton, Judith Sutton
GENRE:General fiction
THEME:   Diversity, Values
 CHARACTERS: Dolly, her fellow students, and her mom
PUBLISHING DATE AND COMPANY: Byron Preiss Visual Publications, 1994
SUMMARY: This book is a simple one, and has one message, you need to make the most of life. I love this book, it really shows how some families struggle to even make sure that their children have the proper clothes for the winter. This book is based on Dolly Parton's life as a child, and how she was made fun of while in school because of her jacket. I think that I could use this book in many ways in the classroom, one of which is a tool to show kids that bullying isn't a good thing. I think that this book can show those who tease their fellow students that it is not okay, and sometimes the students cannot control what is going on in their home life. I also think this book could be used as a connection to music, and showing songs tell a story. This book is almost word for word Dolly Parton's song Coat of Many Colors, and I feel that using this book in conjunction with the song would have an even greater meaning.

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